This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)



Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to get access to Jupyterhub?

  • How to start/stop Jupyter notebooks in the Jupyterhub?

  • Learn about Jupyterhub

Introduction of Jupyterhub

The CMIP6 data analysis will be conducted directly at jupyterhub. We will be using The main advantage of this is that all the data we need are directly accessible through the web interface and the necessary post-processing and visualization packages we need are already available.

Setup instructions for accessing Jupyterhub

For later usage of the notebooks just use the GEO4962 Jupyterhub link

Login to the JupyterHub


Before getting to the username/password login page, your browser may warn you about the security of the website and get a message such as “This site is not secure”. In order to bypass this security message, you need to accept to proceed. Let us know if you still have problems to login.

Start and stop your server

When you manage to successfully login to the Jupyterhub, you should have the following panels:

To start/stop your server, click on Hub Control Panel:

When your server is not running, the button “Stop My Server” does not appear and you only see the button “My Server”.

Important note

Make sure you stop your server once you have finished your session. We need to do this to release resources for next time.

The JupyterLab Interface

By default, you will get the web-based user interface for Project Jupyter that is called JupyterLab.

The menu bar at the top of JupyterLab has top-level menus that expose actions available in JupyterLab with their keyboard shortcuts. The default menus are:

The left sidebar contains a number of commonly-used tabs, such as a file browser, a list of running kernels and terminals, the command palette, and a list of tabs in the main work area:

If you move your mouse on the other icon of this left sidebar, a short information is given on its functionality.

If you click on the “stop button” icon, you can see what is currently running on your server and you can click on “SHUT DOWN” to stop a running Python notebook or Terminal.

Start a new Terminal

Similarly, you can start a new Terminal by clicking on “Terminal” in the Launcher.


If the Launcher tab does not exist anymore in your JupyterLab, you can start a new one in “File –> New Launcher”.

Create a new python 3 notebook

Go back to the File Browser left sidebar tab and in the launcher select Python 3 under the Notebook section:

By default, your new notebook is named as “Untitled.ipynb”:

Getting help in a jupyter notebook

Python (general and available outside jupyter notebook)

In addition to online help, you can use help function:

import matplotlib

The Jupyter Notebook has two ways to get help:

Key Points

  • Jupyterhub